Teacher Tips to Transform your Play-Doh Center

Teacher hack: Transform your play dough center in seconds by re-purposing your k-cup carousel

If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for the best, most functional, user-friendly and creative teacher hacks on the web! 
Transform your play dough center in seconds by up-cycling your k-cup carousel

Well a while back I had stumbled upon a vague Pinterest idea of using a K cup carousel as a Play-Doh stand. The only catch? I was already using my carousel for K cups (obviously, right?). The bright side? Not for long!

Keurig k-cup carousel

Fast forward to March as I began my yearly spring cleanup at home and I came across that old K cup carousel that my husband and I no longer use (don’t get me wrong-we still use our Keurig machine, but we opt to use the reusable filter instead) and it instantly dawned on me that I could re-purpose it for my classroom (cue the angels singing). So friends - that’s exactly what I did!

Teacher hack: Transform your play dough center in seconds by re-purposing your k-cup carousel

I posted the picture above to my Instagram Feed and within a couple hours it had gone viral. It was really exciting to see so many educators posting pictures of their re-purposed carousels with mini play dough containers!

If you aren’t sure which containers will work, I’m using the 2 ounce containers and I’ve seen them at Dolllar Tree and Dollarama. I actually order my Play-Doh online from Amazon, so that’s an option too.

If you try this teacher hack I would love to hear about it! Feel free to tag me on Instagram, Facebook or leave a comment down below letting me know how it turned out!

How do you organize your play dough materials? Share below!

Happy teaching!❤

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